Thursday, March 17, 2005

Good News!

Our SW emailed me today with some wonderful news:

I just spoke with S [the Kazakhstan program coordinator for our agency] and she said that your dossier has been translated and is now being sent to the embassy for registration. It will probably take a week or two to get that done. Then you dossier will go to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This will also take a couple of weeks. We are still looking at waiting another month or so before travel, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.

Woo Hoo! We could be traveling in just a little over a month!! I could be holding my son on Mother's Day!

Oh my gosh, I am SO excited! There is so much to do to get ready to go.


Anonymous said...

Hi, found your blog from Chez Miscarriage...Congratulations on your travel estimation!! You must be so excited!!! I have an exchange sister from Kaz. She is 17 and has been living with my fathers family for about 8 months now. I am adopting too, but through the foster care system.

C Squared said...

Thanks! We are VERY excited indeed. I would love to hear more about your exchange sister and your adoption. Best wishes to you!!