Tuesday, May 10, 2005


This is the latest from our Social Worker...

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you. I was not able to contact S on Friday and then I was out on Monday. Anyway, S is estimating that travel would be in the beginning of July. It is still a ways off, but it is coming.
I hope this helps. Have a good day!

What? July? All along they have said May or June!! I am devastated.

J and I are calling the agency director this afternoon to see what, if anything, he can do to move our travel dates.

And so, we wait...again.

Update: The call with our agency director was completely fruitless. His consolation was that at least our little one was still avaiable for adoption. The director had just called someone this morning and had to inform them that their referral was no longer available because an Aunt had stepped forward.

Gee, thanks. That really helps me with the wait.


Gawdessness said...

I hate waiting. I'm not good at it. Sometimes there are people who are good at it. Not me. I am trying to fill my days with all sorts of busyness and appointments. It works, sort of. Though, I'm not really fooling myself-I still know I'm waiting. Sorry that this is happening for you. Hope it is good news of a shorter time, from the agency.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! So not fair! I hope it was just a mistake and you'll be going sooner.

I am with gawdess..I hate waiting.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh! How unhelpful!!! Maybe it will still be good news. I will come over and kick them for you.